Monday, August 24, 2009

What's New

I'm done interning and just dogsit now. It's really good money but pretty boring. I'm teaching myself guitar but mine is really cheap and goes out of tune a lot so it's slow going. My sister Chelsea's really sick but none of the doctors can figure out why so we're just supposed to wait and see if it gets worse and hope it's clears up on its own. I don't know, we'll see. Other than that, I can't really think of anything new. I'm starting to look forward to school but it'll be really weird to have a single and not see my friends from home.

Friday, June 19, 2009


This is my summer ^
At least it's not this....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Office

My internship makes me feel like I'm working in The Office. It's at this center where I used to go to camp and two people who I used to go to camp with (about 10 years ago) work there too. Everyone has to have special summer names...some examples: Radar, Ballpark, Wizz, Carebear, Tex, Cabo, and Snow White. I had to have a summer name, so I picked Chica. I couldn't think of anything else and I figured it would be the easiest to respond to since they used to call me that at Taco Hell. I sit in the office for 8 hours and study the Logic Model, which is this really simple thing, but it has a million different explanations for it online that I have to read so I can be a "logic model expert" and teach it to all the staff. When I go down to lunch with everybody they come up with weird games to play at the table and little camp inside-jokes that all the staff can have when camp officially starts up. It's really weird.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Finally Home

So...this is my first attempt at a blog....hopefully it won't be too boring, but it probably will be. Graduation was great today, but I'm already missing a bunch of the seniors. It was absolutely gorgeous out, but about an hour after graduation ended it started pouring...I don't understand Wisconsin weather. I did some intense packing before my dad picked me up and now I'm finally home again. I start my internship tomorrow (kind of scary), but my car is being checked out so I won't be able to drive myself there....we'll see how that goes. The people at the career center wanted us to blog about what we're be doing at our internships, so it's actually a pretty good thing this got started :)